Testosterone undecanoate has a larger ester than many other kinds. It is available in both injectable and oral forms and has different brand names for each. It is primarily prescribed to treat low testosterone levels in men; the oral version of this drug is more popular because it is absorbed faster through the lymphatic system making it ideal for testosterone replacement therapy. Aside from medical uses, the substance has also become popular among bodybuilders and athletes for several reasons. In this article, we offer valuable insights into the use of testosterone undecanoate.
What Is Testosterone Undecanoate?
Testosterone undecanoate is available in different forms but the oral version is more popular also known as Testoheal Cap. The oral form has an oil base in a soft gelatin capsule. This is an amazing oral anabolic steroid having c-17 alpha alkylated meaning it will survive in the liver for a long time. Because it can bypass the liver system, offering sustained physiological levels of testosterone to the body. Despite being an oral steroid, the bioavailability is only 7%. Furthermore, testosterone undecanoate is non-toxic and orally active testosterone, whi0063h is also a great alternative to testosterone injections and other hepatoxic oral anabolic androgenic steroids. Steroids are not regarded as bodybuilding supplements yet this one does well when incorporated into stacks with other AAS.
The Effects of Testosterone Undecanoate
People buy Testoheal Cap not just for testosterone replacement therapy but for other reasons also. For instance, bodybuilders use it to increase their ability, performance, and strength. Here are some positive effects of Testoheal Cap:
- It increases nitrogen retention and brings a positive nitrogen balance, which is vital for muscle growth. When nitrogen balance falls, the body enters the catabolic state as a result muscle loss increases. But this steroid prevents catabolic effects and bring retains healthy muscle mass.
- Proteins are the building blocks of muscles so quality protein intake is very important for protein synthesis but when combined with undecanoate the process gets enhanced.
- Testosterone undecanoate or Testoheal Cap manufactured by Healing Pharma has been shown to boost the production of IGF-1. It is also crucial for anabolic effects on skeletal muscle and the production of more protein. It also stimulates muscle satellite cells, a process that required increasing the muscle size.
It has more advantages but we have only shown the most common ones, bodybuilders and athletes won’t leave a single stone unturned to obtain these benefits. Lately, people began exploring online sources to receive this substance but very few people know about steroids for sale,where you can purchase your favorite steroids at a reasonable rate.
Dosages of Testoheal Cap
For athletic purposes, high doses would be needed to reach powerful supraphysiological levels of testosterone. Users can take a minimum of 240-280 milligrams every day meaning 6-8 capsules especially men, which are taken in cycles of six to eight weeks. A more effective dosage would fall in the range of 400-480 mg (10-12 capsules) every day. Before you testosterone undecanoate consult with a doctor and one more thing, the substance is not meant for women.